"Currents of Wealth" is a mixed-media artwork meticulously crafted from pieces of shredded currency glued onto a canvas, capturing a sprawling aerial view of Monaco’s iconic marina. The canvas stretched on a frame and encased in resin both on the back and the surface, shimmers as if bathed in sunlight, evoking the reflective surface of water. This unique texture, with its partial glossy finish, gives the illusion of waves gently rippling across the luxurious Mediterranean harbor, setting the scene for a deeper reflection.
From above, the intricate streets of Monaco wind between opulent buildings, with the marina serving as the focal point of the composition. The shredded money pieces, used as building blocks for both the architecture and the marina, blur the line between physical wealth and artistic representation. The boats, depicted in various sizes, serve as symbols of disparity. Small vessels appear nearly invisible, swallowed by the opulence of the surroundings, while massive, gleaming yachts dominate the water, their imposing presence speaking to the grandeur and extravagance that defines Monaco's elite lifestyle.
This contrast between the barely noticeable boats and the superyachts invites contemplation on the nature of wealth and power. The luxury vessels, coated in resin to give them a slick, untouchable sheen, signify how wealth, often detached from reality, looms over the ordinary. The shredded money, repurposed as both art and metaphor, symbolizes the fragility of financial systems and the fine line between wealth accumulation and greed.
The resin-coated surface also mimics the fluidity of water, suggesting that wealth is as elusive as the shifting tides. "Currents of Wealth" reflects the complicated relationship between wealth, greed, and power—where those at the top float above, while others struggle to remain visible in the vast sea of luxury.

Acrylics, shredded currency, and resin on a 14"x14"x1" stretched canvas, 2024.

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